©César Vayssié
Boris Charmatz + César Vayssié, Transept, projection, Le Commun. Photo © Carole Parodi / Arta Sperto

Boris Charmatz, César Vayssié


2023, HD video projection, sound, based on SOMNOLE
First screening in Switzerland

As a dancer, choreographer, and creator of experimental projects such as the ephemeral Bocal school, Musée de la danse, and Terrain, Boris Charmatz takes dance to unusual places. Keen to connect his own questions to the state of contemporary bodies, he designs hybrid shows and formats that combine creation and repertoire, theory and transmission, in a wide variety of spaces.

“Saint-Eustache. I dance and whistle in the Gothic basilica. Cut stone for a floor, the immensity of the monument, reverberated sound. I’m not religious, but I’m looking for emotional serenity. For some time now I’ve been dancing, working, and creating in churches: dance was banned from them for centuries, but now it’s back in front of the altar and asking questions. Or maybe it’s the building that’s questioning us: I’m looking for something that I can only find here. A kind of freedom in detachment. We look for a title: it’ll be ‘transept’, the place where we film , from trans (across, beyond) and saeptum (partition, enclosure). To film dance is to enclose it while venturing a little beyond, i sn’t it?” (Boris Charmatz)


Choreography and performance: Boris Charmatz / Director: César Vayssié / Director of Photography: Malgorzata Rabczuk /Lighting: Yves Godin / Sound engineer: Martin Descombels / Assistant choreographer: Magali Caillet Gajan / Photography and editing: César Vayssié – AFE / Grading: Herbert Posch – vidéo de poche / Mixing: Martin Descombels / Stage manager: Fabrice Le Fur / Back-up stage managers: Louis Leclerq, Elena Grateau /

Production: Terrain / Coproduction: Frac Sud – Cité de l’art contemporain