Susan Philipsz
The River Cycle III
2010, sound installation
Susan Philipsz (GB, 1965, based in Berlin) explores the psychological and sculptural potential of sound. She uses sound and music to modify or enhance the acoustic qualities of an architectural or urban context, while offering a new reading of the music chosen—16th century ballads, Irish folk tunes, pop and rock songs—and the historical or narrative references they evoke. Each version of a work is unique as it resonates specifically in a given context, yet the plots and references are recognisable, addressing familiar themes of loss, nostalgia, hope and return. She often presents her work in public spaces and is particularly interested in places under bridges, for their very particular acoustic characteristics.
After considering several bridges on the Rhône, Philipsz chose to present The River Cycle III on the floating footbridge under the Mont-Blanc bridge. She particularly appreciated the physical, acoustic and symbolic qualities of this site. In The River Cycle III, she sings a capella excerpts from the lyrics of Pyramid Song (2001) by the English rock outfit Radiohead. The absence of musical accompaniment exposes the untrained quality of her voice, giving the work an unexpected sense of intimacy. The song tells the story of a drowning in the first person. Philipsz was drawn to the song “for its fantastic lyrics that convey a sense of solemn peace”. The lyrics are as follows:
I jumped in the river and what did I see?
Black-eyed angels swam with me
A moon full of stars and astral cars
All the figures I used to see
All my lovers were there with me
All my past and futures
And we all went to heaven in a little row boat
There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt
The lyrics refer in particular to bodies of water as sites of transition, metaphorically echoing the passage from lake to river, e.g. Lake Geneva to the Rhône river.