Anne Rochat

In Pulse

2023, immersive and participatory installation + guests live

Anne Rochat’s artistic practice centres on her own body, with which she experiments with endurance, resistance and limits, essentially through performance. Whether she is ripping up the carpet of the Musée Jenish in Vevey with her teeth, walking the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia in full sun, swimming across Lac de Joux at night, or underwater in Lake Geneva, sharing a single source of air with her brother for two hours, she demonstrates a form of radical commitment in which the spirit takes precedence over suffering or pain.

In Pulse invites the audience to experience an immersive, interactive performance built around the heartbeat of each individual, captured on the body, transformed by a technological and compositional system, and amplified and broadcast into the venue. The organic, polyrhythmic sound work can be seen as a nod to György Ligeti’s Poème Symphonique pour 100 Métronomes (1962). The collective ritual, which is performed in near darkness, offers a unique opportunity of social cohesion and active listening to the beating of one’s own heart and that of others present, creating a kind of organic symphony of rare intensity. Guest musicians will use this sound material to create unique live sequences.

Performances with guests

Jessica Aszodi (AU, 1986, based in Berlin)

Francisco Meirino (CH, 1975, based in Lausanne)

Serge Teuscher (CH, 1982, based in Lausanne)

Laurent Bruttin (CH, 1977, based in Berlin)

Billy Demiguel (CH, 1992, based in Lausanne)

Contrechamps (Martina Brodbeck, Hans Egidi, Rada Hadjikostova, Noëlle Reymond)

Olga Kockarova (RU/CH, 1985, based in Geneva)

Ariel Garcia (CH, 1977, based in Lausanne


Anne Rochat (artistic direction and performance) / Raphael Raccuia and Daniel Zea (development, research, composition) / Skander Mensi (development, research) / Pierre-Yves Borgeaud (trailer and teaser)
Laurent Bruttin (artistic collaboration) / Rachel Morend (artistic and logistical assistance)

Coproduced by Association Fargue, Arta Sperto/KorSonoR Geneva, Flux Laboratory Geneva, Arsenic Lausanne.