Emily Mast
2022, performance by Núria Argilés Macià, Eléonore Barbara Bovet, Emma Delvac, Bast Hippocrate, Nathan Yann, Geosmin Minjeong Yang and a musician, Yehuda Duenyas
Swiss premiere
Emily Mast works at the intersection of performance, visual art, poetry, and theatre. With a strong interest in the world of semiotics, her work often combines signs, symbols, and disciplines in order to deconstruct the conventions governing language and expose their limitations. Her works often have more than one iteration or transform over time.
IFIF is a group ritual that takes the form of a game involving chance, dance, and trance. It is one of the many proposals born of the methodology that Mast began to develop during the pandemic. She uses hypnosis, tantra, Dom/sub dynamics, emotional attunement, physical movement, free writing, and theatre techniques to invent frameworks of consent and limits that engage the subconscious and harness it as a tool for co-creation and transformation. Viewers are invited to witness the ritual around the performance space,from a distance intimate enough to allow them to enter into the performers’ ongoing struggle to respect the almost impossible rulesof the game, and to live the immersive experience.
Emily Mast
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